I am a photo freak! No Joke!
I have so many photos, my facebook has around 13 thousand photos! My youtube has over 800 videos. I love photos of my Hubby and Son, who I call my boys.
His new hairdo isn’t a permanent one, we shaved it like that for kicks at his request, it’s not straight but his hair goes over to the side all on it’s own so it’s hard to tell that it’s crooked. He’s my handsome boy!
He loves his computer he does all of his school work on it, except some writing I make him do. He is so smart in so many ways, he can pick apart any game we buy him and changes the images in the game. He changes the main screen photos and everything. He just amazes me!
It’s funny how much he looks like me, but then looks like his brother who looks just like their dad. lol It’s pretty crazy cause I see my dad in him a lot too, but I look my dad too.
Here is Daddy and Leo both opening gifts! Yay Leo cannot wait for Christmas every year. Neither can we 🙂
Love Leo’s hair, cool style!
I love the pics. You can see his eyes. His hair is different but so cute.